In Norse mythology, Freya is a goddess of love and fertility, and the most beautiful and propitious of the goddesses. She is the patron goddess of crops and birth, the symbol of sensuality and was called upon in matters of love. She loves music, spring and flowers, and is particularly fond of the elves (fairies). Freya is one of the foremost goddesses of the Vanir.
Goddess of sex, battle, and pleasure, most beautiful and desirable of white-armed women, Freyja was sister to the male fertility god Freyr. Freyja had unusual parity with Odin, for they divided the heroic dead amongst themselves. Half went to live eternally in Odin's hall, and half in Freyja's hall Sessrumnir- and the goddess got first pick.
As befits a goddess, Freyja owned potent magical equipment. Like Frigg, she possessed a falcon skin, which when pulled over her shoulders, allowed her to take the form of that raptor.This also provided a useful disguise when needed - important to a goddess whose personage made her instantly recognisable.
Freyja's most wonderful adornment was her necklace (or possibly a jewelled belt), Brisingamen.It was crafted by four dwarfs, and was of exceptional beauty.Freyja so longed for it that she consented to spend one night each in the arms of its makers as her payment.This was a just recompense in the eyes of the goddess, for as the necklace was the finest of all things the dwarfs could produce, the utter summation of their skill, why not repay them with an equally precious example of her love-art?
Freyja always wished to give her love freely.Her beauty and desirability often attracted the attention of those she did not want, such as the giant who offered to build an impregnable defensive wall around Asgard, the dwelling of the gods, in exchange for taking Freyja away as his wife. The goddess knew nothing of this agreement, and her outraged indignation at being so wagered grew the greater as the wall grew taller. Never believing they would have to forfeit Freyja, the gods grew more and more uneasy in their wager, until Loki ,who had urged the agreement, was forced to utilise his trickster ability to the fullest.
Three animals are associated with Freyja. She is pulled about in a cart to which two cats are harnessed. Their sinuous beauty and comfort-loving nature recall one side of the goddess. The other two animals are direct symbols of sexuality and strength.
Her golden-bristled boar is called Battle Swine (Hildisvini), and recalls her role as the receiver of heroic dead. Battle helmets topped with iron and bronze images of boars have been found throughout England and Scandinavia, for the boar's savage and cunning nature was widely revered. The other animal is the mare, associated with night, unbridled sexuality, and dangerous magical power. To "ride the night-mare" meant then, as now, to have bad dreams.
The above thanks to Google Images--Google from whom all blessings flow.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
"But today it is the day I declare I am the One who have to save the humanity. I declare I am the One who is Adi Shakti, who is the Mother of all Mothers, who is the Primordial Mother, the Shakti (Divine Primordial Power) of the Desire of God, who has incarnated on this Earth to give meaning to itself, to this Creation, to human beings, and I am sure that through My Love and Patience and My Powers I am going to achieve it.I was the One who was born again and again. But now I have come in My complete Form and with complete Powers. I have come on this Earth not only for salvation of human beings, not only for their emancipation, but for granting them the Kingdom of Heaven, the Joy, the Bliss that your Father wants to bestow upon you."Shri Puratana Devi(Purantana: Primordial or Ancient)On July 26, 1995, the Great Primordial Goddess revealed that the Miracle Photo was genuine. Implying that over the duration of 21 full moons all the Messengers of God Almighty had given enough evidence necessary for the Believers on Earth to surrender to the Divine Message to humanity the Great Primordial Mother ended Her Revelations with these parting words: "We Have Done Our Job Here." Thus 1995 fits perfectly with the ancient Mayan prophecy that "a calendar cycle of twice the Kal-tun of 260 years had to go by in order for the Solar culture to flourish again for the benefit of all humanity." The actual prophecy reads;“In the year 1475, before the arrival of the Spanish, The Supreme Maya Council revealed the long-held vision of an ancient Solar Grandmother named X'Nuuk'K'in, that a calendar cycle of twice the Kal-tun of 260 years had to go by in oder for the Solar culture to flourish again for the benefit of all humanity. In the spring of 1995, this 520 year period will be completed. Thus, 1995 is a decisive year and the human race will have to enter the path of the cosmic light if it is to remain a thinking species. Humans will have to seek the path of initiation on Earth and in Heaven. Through Solar Initiation they will be able to see the luminosity of the Great Spirit...through Solar Initiation, the sleeping body of humankind can be awakened." Hunab K'u (Creator) will flash like lightening that will pierce through the shadows that envelop the human race. Let us prepare to receive the light of knowledge" (paraphrased Mayan prophesy)
Friends, we have passed a tipping point. I submit the above as evidence. In the proverbial three score and ten years we have gone from patriarchal to matriarchal societal structure. Mind you, we are not all the way to the right side of the pendulum's swing. But we have passed the mid position, or tipping point.
We can see that the ancients lived variably under one or the other structures. In almost all cultures of Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas we see patriarchal organization. But it was not always that way. Using the kind of gods the ancients worshipped, scholars find that there were different ways in the past.
Marija Gimbutas
Gimbutas gained unexpected fame — and notoriety — with her last three books: The Goddesses and Gods of Old Europe (1974); The Language of the Goddess (1989), which inspired an exhibition in Wiesbaden, 1993/94; and her final book, The Civilization of the Goddess (1991), which presented an overview of her speculations about Neolithic cultures across Europe: housing patterns, social structure, art, religion, and the nature of literacy.
The Civilization of the Goddess articulated what Gimbutas saw as the differences between the Old European system, which she considered goddess- and woman-centered ("matristic"), and the Bronze Age Indo-European patriarchal ("androcratic") culture which supplanted it. According to her interpretations, gynocentric and gylanic societies were peaceful, they honored homosexuals, and they espoused economic equality.
The "androcratic", or male-dominated, Kurgan peoples, on the other hand, invaded Europe and imposed upon its natives the hierarchical rule of male warriors.
Gimbutas' books and papers are housed, along with those of her colleague, mythologist Joseph Campbell, at the Joseph Campbell and Marija Gimbutas Library on the campus of the Pacifica Graduate Institute in Carpinteria, just south of Santa Barbara, California.
In 1993, Marija Gimbutas received an honorary doctorate at Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Lithuania. On 2 February 1994, Gimbutas died in Los Angeles. Soon afterwards she was interred in Kaunas' Petrašiūnai Cemetery.
Among other changes ushered in by a shift from matriarchal to patriarchal, one often as not sees a switch from gentle gods devoted mostly to feeding the people who worship them, to gods of war and conquest. Only one culture seems to have kept both the old gods and the new. These people seemed to have worked out a unique system in which some of the former were held as hostages in the house of the latter. To which people/culture am I referring? Check out Norse mythology. I refer to the Aesir and the Vanir, and Asgard.
Thor as a blond.
So, here's what's in store for us shortly: gentle fertility gods and goddesses regaining their place in the pantheon (gentle, but occasionally planting a virile youth for the sake of a good harvest in the Fall), storm gods like YHWH losing a large part of His following, women moving into top jobs, and ultimately into control, physically larger women outweighing men on the scale as well as in the halls of government, academics, the professions, and industry; less risk of world war and diminished status of the warrior, greater emphasis on the family, clan, tribe; less emphasis on the nation, state, empire. Look around you and see some of this happening. The reason historians don't study anything less than fifty years old is that we cannot analyze contemporary events very well. We are in a great change right now.
But just as people who lived through the end of the Dark Ages and the beginning of the Renaissance, or through the end of the Agrarian Age and the beginning of the Industrial Revolution could not fully appreciate the scale of change swirling around them, so we cannot appreciate what is happening now. Add the possible near future events prophesied by Hopi, Mayan, New Testament authors, and others, and you can imagine the exciting and scary ride we are on. Think of your favorite scary roller coaster ride: the cars leave the station, begin a slow climb up a surprisingly steep incline, round a sharp curve to the right (and you are afforded a splendid view in 360 degrees), and then, suddenly, the bottom drops out. We are past the tipping point on the testosterone/estrogen axis. Big T is losing its control, Big E is in its ascendancy. Everything human is in transition accordingly. We are alive to see and feel it. And at least we can be aware of these momentous changes.
You go girl!
From Thor to Freya, if not a complete shift, at least a better compromise--something along the lines of the Norse of old.
If you like redheads, you will love Norse gods.
Now if we can just get the Muslim world on board. Women of the world unite! Work on this. Allah is to the right of YHWH. Go Freya! Go Freya!
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